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I want to treat OCD

留言: Dear Dr Chan, 

I’ve been suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD,強迫症) for years and recently my situation has worsened to a point that I’d like to seek professional help. I’d like to ask a few questions about your treatment plans regarding OCD. 

Firstly, are you experienced in treating OCD patients? Secondly, are you qualified and experienced in using cognitive behavioral therapy and use cognitive behavioral therapy on your patients? And if so what kind of CBT methods do you use on OCD patients? Thirdly, what is your success rate for treating OCD patients? 

Thank you.

Reply from Dr Chan Man Lui:

OCD is a common mental illness. However, The degree of severity varies greatly from mild disturbance of the living to severe disturbance that affects one’s daily functioning.

I have treated many OCD over years and most of them recovered completely. However, a minority of those very severe ones may not be completely cured. In general, the more severe the illness, the more difficult to be treated. The more long-standing Illness, the more difficult to be treated. Obsessive ruminations are more difficult to treat than compulsive acts in general.

As for using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT,認知行為治療), The most common method used is graded exposure. Firstly, The therapist and the patient will jointly make a list of tasks of ascending difficulties. Then, the patient needs to carry it out the tasks from the least anxiety provoking item and working upwards.


Dr Chan Man Lui, Doris

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